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This service is meant to replae a trip with several stops, or to be sure to have your driver to go back from an isolated location, or for the convenience of having a vehicle where to store goods while shopping, photo shoot, or multiple ride with different passengers (shuttle).

Terms and conditions:

The hourly booking is billed at the time elapsed from the booking time (or the time when the passenger is on board if it is earlier), until the time when the driver is freed from any commercial or moral duty, and can accept another mission.

The rate for a single hour is equal to 2 hours. Therefore it is not available for purchase.

Any hour started is due. A clearance of 15min is allowed.

Hourly booking (20km included per hour)

    Information & Bookings

    Message submitted. Thank you !

    Fab Drive E.U.R.L.

    Capital de 6000 €

    R.C.S. de Versailles

    Siren: 835 072 778

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